Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Winter carrots
Now that the cold has set in and the ground is getting cold enough to freeze, occasionally, we are pulling all of the carrots that are under ground clothes, but not in the low tunnel.  This time of year they seem to get sweeter.  Maybe it is the cold that makes them sweeter, I don't know but it is something I look forward to now in the winter.
We will harvest the remaining carrots, as needed, from the low tunnel where the ground doesn't quite freeze.  Last year we had carrots right thru February.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Farm, Garden, Homestead, home.

No matter what it is called, what it actually does and what it gives should be the same, comfort, security, and sustenance.

If we are going to be spending most of the money we earn during our lifetimes on attaining it, then shouldn't it be one of our most treasured possession, I mean, that is, as far as treasuring possessions goes?  Yet it seems that people often spend little time at their home and when given a break from the routine, leave it as quickly as possible on vacations.  It seems to me to be a bit odd.

We are trying to coax this little plot of rocky, slopped and heavily wooded area, that we call our home, into sustaining us as best it can.  The trick is in finding out how it will best do this.

The recent weather that brought down a lot of trees and limbs has given us a boon toward next year's heating.  I will go on cutting and splitting and getting my exercise out doors and providing fuel for warmth against the coming cold.

This year we found that the Sunchokes, and the wineberries, the ground cherries, and the collards and the kale and carrots, all thrived and resisted the pests and the very rainy season just fine.  I have to file that in my memory banks and play that to our advantage as we plan for next Springs plantings, which we can start doing now as we look thru the seed catalogs and think about what seeds we have saved from this season past.